Anti-Semitism: Kyrie Irving, suspended by the Nets, apologizes after his promotion of a controversial film

Suspended by his Brooklyn Nets team after relaying an openly anti-Semitic film, the NBA basketball player finally decided to apologize. an basketball player Kyrie Irving made his mea culpa this Friday, November 4 on his Instagram account after promoting the film Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America , released in 2018 and openly anti-Semitic, on his social networks . “I want to be clear and clear up any confusion about my fight against anti-Semitism, and I apologize for relaying the documentary without context and without a factual explanation pointing out the specific beliefs described in the documentary that I do or do not subscribe to , ” the Brooklyn Nets point guard wrote in his lengthy post. “I had no intention of disrespecting Jewish historical culture regarding the Holocaust, nor of perpetuating hatred. » These are the first apologies from the basketball star, put under pressure by his Brooklyn Nets team who decided to suspend him for at least five games , without pay....